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BlazerTech Debug Console (Unity) » Devlog
For those of you who want more control & have some knowledge of C# you can edit certain aspects of the console through script.
Everything is done through the "LogManager" class, first add the using statement "using BlazerTech;", then in any method you can use "LogManager.Instance" to get the current instance of the debug console in game, the "LogManager" class contains the following:
- ToggleConsole() - Toggle the debug console on/off by reversing whichever one it's currently set to.
- SetConsoleActive(Bool) - Set the console on or off based off the inputted value.
- ClearConsole() - clears the console of all logs (Does not effect log files).
- OnDebugConsoleEnabled - Called when the debug console is enabled.
- OnDebugConsoleDisabled - Called when the debug console is disabled.
- OnDebugConsoleLogsCleared - Called when the consoles logs are cleared from the console.
Adjust Settings:
All settings found in the settings scriptable object can also be edited through script, to access them use "LogManager.Instance.Settings", everything inside of there can be edited, this includes the following:
- int LogCap - value between 1-1000, defaults to 250, "The max amount of logs that can be displayed at a given time, once the limit has been reached logs will begin getting replaced, the higher the number of logs the laggier the game"
- float fontSize - minimum value 1, defaults to 25, "The font size of each log in the console"
- int logFileCap - minimum value 0, defaults to 5, "The max amount of log files that can be generated, once this limit has been reached older logs will start being overwritten"
- Color backgroundColor - defaults to 0, 0, 0, 0.55, "The color of the debug consoles background"
- bool clearConsoleOnSceneChange - defaults to true, "Clears all logs when the current scene changes"
- ActiveInputSystem { None, OldInputSystem } activeInputSystem - defaults to ActiveInputSystem.OldInputSystem, "The input system to use to toggle the debug console on/off"
- KeyCode toggleConsoleKey - defaults to KeyCode.F2, "The keybind used to open/close the debug console"
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BlazerTech Debug Console (Unity)
An in-game debug console for Unity
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- Core FeaturesMar 24, 2023
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