Core Features

Core Features:

- Easy to setup plug and play solution -

This tool was developed with ease of use in mind, once the package has been imported if you're using the old input system then no further setup is required and you can run your game with no issues, however there is a bit of setup when using the new input system, look in Getting Started for more info.

- Easily view logs in build versions of your game -

All debug logs normally only viewable in the editor can now be viewed in game, timestamps are included for each log, warnings are highlighted in yellow & errors are highlighted in red, click on any log to expand it and view its stacktrace.

- View basic system info -

At the top of the debug console is a list of system info which includes the following:

  1. Unity Version.
  2. Current OS.
  3. GPU.
  4. CPU.
  5. Ram. (Displayed in Megabytes & Gigabytes)
  6. Current Directory. (The location the game is stored at on the users pc)

- High Compatibility -

The BlazerTech Debug Console has been tested with a variety of screen sizes including ultrawide, and simulated phone and ipad screens.

- Automatic Log Files -

When the user quits the game all logs within the max log cap are stored in a txt file and saved at AppData/LocalLow/CompanyName/GameName/logs

- Customizability -

Under Edit > Project Settings > BlazerTech Debug Console is a list of settings, customizable settings include the following:

  • Log Cap: The total amount of logs that can be displayed at any given time, once limit has been reached old logs will start getting replaced. Defaults to 250.
  • Font Size: The size of the logs in the debug console. Defaults to 25.
  • Log File Cap: The max amount of log files that will be created before old ones start getting deleted, setting the number to 0 will disable log files all together.
  • Background Color: The color of the background of the debug console.
  • Clear Console on Scene Change: Whether or not to clear the debug console when the current scene changes (Does not effect log files).
  • Active Input System. Whether to use the old input system (With the open console keybind being f2) or none (Requiring the developer to create their own system to open the console).
  • Toggle Console Key. The keybind used to open/close the console, only active when using the old input system.

- Developed With Performance in Mind -

The BlazerTech Debug Console was developed with the goal to have an in game console that was both lightweight & functional, logs are only updated when the console is open, max logs are limited to prevent lag, and object pooling is used to make displaying new logs more efficient.

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